
Your Face Is Your Passport: Biometrics Could Enable Explosive Travel Growth, But Critics Fret About Privacy Loss - Forbes

Your Face Is Your Passport: Biometrics Could Enable Explosive Travel Growth, But Critics Fret About Privacy Loss - Forbes

Imagine breezing through airport security, past the airport gate check, onto your plane then off again at the end of your flight, and if flying internationally, escaping the customs and immigration check point in only a minute or two – all without every showing your ticket, a boarding pass, ID or even your passport.

Don’t laugh. It’s not only technically possible, if the World Travel & Tourism Council has its way, it could be a reality for a large majority of domestic and international travelers around the globe by the middle of the next decade. While no one suggests that you’ll ever be able to travel without your ID – or, internationally, without your passport – on you, the day is approaching quickly when you rarely, if ever, will have to show those pieces of identification to anyone during your travels. Instead, your face will become you ID, or your passport.

The WTTC also foresees a time when you potentially will check into your hotel by simply stepping to the counter, having your face scanned discretely by unobtrusive cameras and your room key handed to you in a process measured in seconds, not minutes.

A form of that presumably better travel experience already is available to tens of thousands of U.S. domestic air travelers a day. Since late 2017 U.S. officials have been experimenting with such a system at a few selected airports and just over a year ago began rolling it out in phases at the busiest airports. And by 2023 it is expected to be standard for 97% of all domestic U.S. airline passengers.

The WTTC, a lobby group that seeks to present a unified agenda for the multi-pronged and often fractious global travel industry, is turning up the volume on its campaign to spread the good news of biometric-based travel security and travel service processing. More specifically, it is launching a global public relations effort aimed both at creating greater consumer awareness and acceptance of the concept and, simultaneously, gently countering the worries of, and resistance from individuals and groups concerned that the use of biometrics will endanger individuals’ privacy and personal data.

In a new report, Gloria Guevara, the WTTC’s president, says that WTTC researchers have found that on average about 80% of Americans “are okay with biometrics” being used to speed up and improve the air travel experience, especially at airports.

“Eight out of 10 Americans boarding domestic or international flights say they’re willing to submit this information to make their travel experience better,” she said. And younger travelers seem to be most comfortable with the new approach.

“Of those between the ages of 25 and 34 in our survey, 87% are either ‘willing’ or ‘very willing’ to share their photos in order to speed up and improve their travel experience,” said Guevara, a former executive with SABRE, the big travel data management and sales system used by airlines and travel agencies, who in 2010 was named Minister of Tourism in her native Mexico.

“Those results are very similar to the (research’s) international numbers, where roughly 80% of travelers are okay with it,” she added.

More specifically, what that 80% of travelers supposedly are “okay” with is the use of their faces to effectively replace their IDs, their boarding passes and even their passports in the process of gaining passage through various checkpoints in the travel process. That, obviously, means that some organization will be keeping in its database the photos of millions of travelers for at least some limited (or limitless) amount of time. And those photos also will be linked to data about where those individuals are from, to where they’re traveling, and, potentially what they’ll be doing and how they’ll be paying for it.

Thus, a traveler’s face – rather than their driver’s license, passport, social security or credit card numbers – will become the key that unlocks the door to their personal information. Guevara calls it “using your face as your boarding pass,” and, when traveling internationally “using your face as your passport.”

For those most interested in speeding up and removing as much hassle as possible from the often tedious and frustrating air travel experience the introduction of facial recognition technology – it’s already available in some or all portions of about two dozen U.S. airports – appears to be a godsend. Having to pull out travel documents and ID repeatedly all along one’s travel path can be annoying. And, depending on how many bags and other items one is toting, or how many children a traveler is wrangling – it can also be quite a hassle.

But to those skeptics worried about privacy rights and identity security, the idea is anathema. An umbrella activist group called Fight for the Future, which opposes a number of tech-driven security, social media, and commercial practices that the group says threaten privacy rights and personal data security, has made facial recognition technology one of its big targets.

Opponents of the use of facial recognition – in the travel space and in other contexts – fret that the compilation of huge data bases containing information about consumers’ personal and financial affairs (which underlies any facial recognition system) is ripe for exploitation by those companies or by third parties. Alternatively, they also warn that that such data bases maintained by government agencies present potential “Big Brother” scenarios in which government will have broad surveillance capabilities to track and, in theory, limit the activities of private citizens.

The WTTC, however, now seeks to promote what it sees as the enormous economic and personal benefits of global or near-global adoption of facial recognition technology across the broad spectrum of the travel industry: airlines, national aviation security agencies and foreign ministry departments that issue passports and VISAs; hotels, ground transportation providers, and a number of other travel service providers.

Guevara, and the travel interests she represents, also see the smart use of facial recognition technology as the only practical way for the travel industry keep the relentless growth of air travel around the world in the next from being strangled by unprecedented levels of travel demand.

The International Air Transport Association projects that the number of air passengers will grow by nearly 80% over the next 18 years, from 4.6 billion this year to 8.2 billion in 2037. Airport facilities, meanwhile, almost certainly won’t be expanded nearly enough to accommodate such an increase in human traffic, especially through current choke points like security screening stations and airport gates unless we come up with big changes to the way travelers are processed through those locations.

Biometrics, the WTTC argues, is the only answer that anyone has come up with that will work. And while iris scans and fingerprint readers can do the same job as facial recognition technology, both are slower and less flexible for use in broader contexts. Facial recognition requires only that a traveler stop for a moment in front of a camera or camera-like device to have their face scanned and then compared with one or more photos on file. His or her fingerprints or iris print won’t have to be recorded initially and then kept on file forever.

Assuming there’s a match, the traveler whose face is quickly scanned can be waved through whatever checkpoint they are at without any additional questions or close examination of their possessions. Their progress through a terminal – on either end of their journey – can be tracked and their faces repeatedly compared with the file photos through the use of strategically placed cameras throughout terminals. In the near future flight attendants, fed the information via portable devices, would be able to call the traveler by name the moment they step aboard the plane and provide them with any special services the traveler has requested in advance. 

In any case the use of biometrics would greatly reduce the long lines at security checkpoints and gates and upon landing, in customs and immigration clearance lines. Or so the theory goes.

Currently some travelers use the Transportation Security’s PreCheck service or the services of CLEAR, a private company that offers rapid passage through security checkpoints for those who pay for a membership and provide background information in advance of traveling. Those programs, use “known traveler” data bases and, in some instances, iris scans or fingerprinting to identify and clear travelers quickly through checkpoints. Facial recognition technology, deployed for use by all travelers, is touted as being even faster and more accurate. And because it eventually would be used by nearly all travelers it would, in theory, greatly reduce the time we all spend in security checkpoint lines and other cues. (Travelers, in theory would retain the right to not have their faces scanned and to request that they be cleared through checkpoints using the manual methods now in widespread use.

Adoption of facial recognition technology does mean that the system will need to have a photo of a traveler even before that traveler shows up at the security checkpoint. That, in theory, would come from the airline, which already prepares a paper (and computerized) manifest for every flight that contains the name and some formation about each passenger on each flight. On international flights – including a small percentage of flights from the U.S. to certain destinations today – a passenger’s passport photo is captured by a scanning machine upon flight check in, then is compared with the person’s face to make sure they are who they claim to be. And travelers today sometimes have the option of submitting photos of themselves when they buy their tickets online, just as they traditionally have submitted other identifying information upon ticket purchase.

In Europe, Guevara said, the comparison is made on a “1-to-1” basis; comparing the face of the person standing there to just one photo on file. In the U.S. the standard is “1-to-many,” meaning the face of the traveler standing there is compared to multiple photos – at least if multiple photos are available.”

Currently the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is the primary driver behind the new facial recognition system being rolled out in U.S. Airports. In less than two years of limited testing and early roll out it already has helped authorities nab nearly 200 people trying to travel using someone else’s identity. And it reportedly has enabled the identification of several thousand foreign nationals who over-stayed their U.S. VISAs. The system actually fulfills a Congressional mandate to use biometrics to screen air travelers that has been on the books since Congress passed a law way back in 1996. The technology wasn’t really ready back then and since then there had been little money and less political will to push for development and deployment of the technology until President Trump signed an executive order early in his presidency to make it happen.

Currently, unless Customs and Border Patrol has a solid legal reason to do otherwise it is supposed to delete citizens’ photos after about two weeks. But it keeps a database, including photos when available, of suspected travelers provided to it by the TSA, Homeland Security, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies. Right now those law enforcement agencies in most cases do not have full access to the Customs and Border Patrol’s data base. But that’s where critics of use of facial recognition technology in the travel world are most concerned. If those agencies, or the airlines or other travel service providers, collect or have easy access to multiple photos and lots of specific information about individuals, including where they travel and how they spend their money, the fear is that government would able to monitor the movements and activities of free people more than it has a right to do.

Guevara and the WTTC counter that the human and economic benefits of facial recognition technology more than outweigh such concerns, in large part because the vast majority of travelers are, in fact, trustworthy, and those that aren’t already are on various watch lists for known or suspected bad actors. They’re also counting on the enforcement of rules and laws blocking the improper use by governments of such data. That, in turn, should support, and even encourage growth in travel demand around the world. And the economic impact of such growth will be hugely significant, she said.

Biometrics, Guevara argues will both “reduce ‘friction’ in the airport for individual travelers, and ease gridlock in the airports in a way that “will drive economic growth and create lots and lots of jobs,” Guevara said.

“We think the use of biometrics, particularly facial recognition, will lead to the creation of at least one million more jobs in the travel and tourism industry,” she added. “That would be driven by the sheer growth in travel demand that it would help enable. Without it the lines and congestion and trouble of travel would discourage many and cause future demand to be far less than currently is expected.

“We’re talking very good-paying jobs in the industry; not just pilots and airline employee, but hotel employees, food service workers, aircraft manufactures, taxi drivers and more.”

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2019-09-19 11:00:05Z

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